Change Your Mind / Change The Outcome! 

Changing your concept of what a ‘treat’ is, and planning ahead so that you can enjoy healthy, nourishing, restorative treats is essential if you want to be able to maintain good health and weight over the long term.  

Most of us have been programmed by past experiences, social pressure and advertising to view highly processed and sugar-laden foods and beverages as treats, when the truth is they are toxic. 

For some of us, the process of awakening to what’s in processed food is enough to kick start a lifetime of healthier habits, but for others it’s not enough. Layers of conditioning, exposure to family rituals and traditions, and social pressures can make it hard for even the most determined convert to stick to their healthy eating plan. And as soon as alcohol is involved, our willpower and inhibitions crumble. 

The truth is willpower is never enough. You need something more. 

Those who find it easy to stay within their healthy weight range, have an unshakable belief in the importance of their health. They value their wellbeing more than junk food. They believe that they are worth it and their efforts will be rewarded. They see their energy and vitality as the ultimate prize. 

And while we might all agree with these statements, the truth of what we really believe can be found in our actions. 

Science has shown us that our conscious mind (the thoughts we are aware of) influence less than 5% of our choices. This means that most of our decisions (over 95%) are based on our subconscious beliefs – the thoughts we are NOT aware of. 

This does NOT mean that good intentions and willpower are obsolete. They still have a very important role to play. Making a conscious decision to choose healthy foods each day will serve you well. Planning ahead and having healthy options on hand will work even better. 

But ultimately, if you’d like to be free of the struggle, free of the need to be vigilant, free of the need for Won’t-Power, you must work on your subconscious programming. 

Changing your subconscious beliefs can be so easy – with the right support

We’ve been helping people change their limiting beliefs into life enhancing ones for over 10 years and I can honestly say, it continues to AMAZE me! 

In a one hour you can often change more than 10 beliefs – something that years of talking therapy seldom achieves. 

If you’re tired of the struggle, tired of blaming yourself, tired of putting your energy into worrying about your weight or your food, it’s time to do things differently. 

If you’d like to know more about how an ‘Inner Journey’ session can help you swap limiting subconscious beliefs for ones that serve you better, send us an email and we’ll reply with some information. 

Or, if you’ve had a session before and it’s time to peel off the next layer in your journey to food freedom, click here to book your next session. 

In the meantime, let’s get creative about how you can ‘spoil yourself’ in healthy ways this weekend. 

Here is a list of ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Walks in nature
  • Relaxing baths or spas
  • Brunch – eggs bene with salmon and avo on spinach
  • Delicious, fragrant herbal infusions 
  • A massage, facial or pedicure 
  • A movie with friends
  • Board games with your kids
  • Harvest pantry sweet treats and snack foods