Ultra processed foods are getting the bad press they deserve!

I’m sure you’re aware that regularly consuming processed foods makes it almost impossible to maintain a healthy weight. This is because industrialised foods are almost devoid of nutrients, but packed full of ultra-refined ingredients and toxic chemicals to enhance flavour, increase addictiveness and extend shelf life. And they also expand your waist line!
And it’s not just junk food that’s the problem. Most packaged foods are heavily processed, nutrient poor and full of additives.
It’s encouraging to see that this topic has finally been getting more air-time both here and overseas. While processed foods may be convenient at times, humans evolved eating real food, not ‘fake food’, and our cells, bodily systems and processes are reliant on the essential nutrients whole foods provide.
But, we get it! With long work-days and the responsibilities of running a home it can be difficult finding the time to cook everything yourself.
A few years back, when I awoke to just how unhealthy many common foods like breads and other baked goods were, I started creating more nutritious, low-carb recipes myself. And to save time, I often weighed and measured enough dry ingredients for several batches, and stored them for later use.
And then one day I thought “I bet my clients would love to be able to create delicious healthy food in half the time by simply opening a packet and adding the wet ingredients! And so the Harvest Pantry range was born.

You may be familiar with our yummy keto and low-carb breads, crackers, scones, crumb coatings, muffins, cakes, bliss balls, dips, dressings, sauces and seasonings. But you may not know about the latest additions to the Harvest Pantry range.
Over the past few weeks we’ve added:
Two delicious granola mixes in two different sizes – just add coconut oil and bake
Two easy pastry mixes – one sweet and one savoury (and completely yummy)
A reduced carb pizza crust mix – making pizza night easy and guilt free!
And two crepe mixes – one sweet and the other savoury (may also be used to make your own wraps!)
View all our newest products here.