Simple Tips for Drinking More Water
Over the winter months our good water-drinking intentions can become eroded as we gravitate towards hot beverages. Is it time for a water-drinking reset?
The rule of thumb for healthy hydration levels is 1 liter of fluids per day for every 20 kilos of body weight. This means, a person weighing 80 kilos needs 4 litres of fluids each day.
Fresh produce (fruit, veggies and meats) contain some fluid, but the majority of your daily requirement must come from pure water and other healthy beverages.
I’ve heard arguments against this, claiming that many people manage perfectly well with far less. But is this really true? Well-hydrated people have far fewer problems with blood pressure, acid reflux, anxiety, depression, arthritis, muscle aches and pains, fluid retention, gout, cognitive decline, gallstones, kidney stones, renal failure and liver problems. And water is also great for maintaining healthy, younger looking skin!
Good health requires getting the basics right, and what could be more basic than drinking water?
Doctor Batmanghelidj wrote ‘Your Body’s Many Cries For Water – you’re not sick, you’re thirsty’. In his enlightening book he says we should drink between 2-3 liters (8-12 glasses) of pure water each day. His research shows that by simply drinking enough water many chronic health problems completely disappear.
What about herbal teas? Or traditional tea or coffee?
Herbal teas can have many health benefits including calming your mind, strengthening your immune system, reducing inflammation, aiding digestion and supporting good sleep, but these infusions often stimulate your body to excrete more fluid than they contribute (meaning, they can be slightly dehydrating). Traditional tea and coffee do the same, so it’s vital to drink water!
What if you don’t feel thirsty?
If your body has become used to being under-hydrated, you’ll probably have very little sense of thirst and you will therefore need to be diligent at remembering to drink water. But, after several months your natural sense of thirst will return, and drinking water will be as easy and natural as breathing. And, you’ll be amazed by how much better you’ll feel!
Here are 8 easy tips to help you get back on track with healthy water-drinking habits.
- Start your day with 2 glasses of water (as soon as you get up). Your body will be dehydrated after hours of sleep, so this simple habit can quickly rehydrate your system.
- Drink a glass of water before any other drink.
- Keep a glass of water in a highly visible and easily reachable place i.e on your desk. Often, just seeing a glass of water will be enough to bring your thirst to your attention. Refill it again immediately. Getting up to refill is a positive action that affirms to your body that you intend to take care of yourself.
- Drink water as soon as you notice your energy or concentration is starting to fade. You’ll be surprised by how much this can help.
- Use glass water bottles or jugs to help you keep track of how much you are drinking. For example, if you are aiming for 2 litres a day, you’ll need to drink 2 one 1 litre jugs or 3 750 ml bottles. NB: Avoid plastic bottles where possible as toxic microscopic plastic particles leach into the water.
- Add a pinch of salt (especially in hot weather) or slices of lemon or cucumber or berries. Sometimes the visual appeal and the flavour infusion can make all the difference
- Set a reminder on your phone for times that you are likely to be distracted.
- Hot or warm water may be easier to drink – especially on cold days. Or sparkling water might be your thing. Listen to your body and do what works for you.