How Do You Know If You Need To Detox?
13 indicators that a detox might be helpful.
1. You have cellulite (orange peel skin). Cellulite is a mix of fat, water and toxins. When the toxins are removed the cellulite disappears. This is why young children don’t have cellulite!
2. You’ve gained weight – especially around your middle, and you’re struggling to lose it.
3. You’re drinking more than 1 cup of coffee a day.
4. You experience mid afternoon energy slumps.
5. You’re using energy drinks or sugar as a pick-me-up.
6. You have more than three alcoholic drinks per week.
7. You have cravings for sweet foods, processed foods, or fast food.
8. You have digestive discomfort, boating, gas, flatulence or constipation.
9. You often feel frustrated, irritable and tired.
10. You’re sleeping poorly even when you feel exhausted.
11. You have brain fog.
12. Your skin is misbehaving.
13. You consume a lot of food or water from plastic containers.
Before starting any health regime you should always speak to someone knowledgeable
Just because it worked for your friend or partner, doesn’t mean it will be the best approach for you!
If you’d like to know more about the best options for you, CLICK HERE and book a complimentary chat with one of our friendly team.
Of course – when losing weight you will also be shedding toxins, which is a good thing!
Fat and water soluble toxins are processed by your liver and kidneys. Drinking plenty of pure water will help your body flush out these toxins more efficiently. Whilst for some people, detoxing can cause a few symptoms (especially if you have a lot of toxins to release), your coach will be there to guide and support you every step of the way, helping you minimise symptoms and achieve the results you’re looking for.
I hear many stories from clients who have previously quit a detox after a few days because they didn’t understand what was happening in their body and they didn’t know how to work through it safely, and with minimal symptoms.
Please don’t let that be you! We are ALWAYS here to help you 🙂
If you’d like some help with detoxing or advice about weight loss, CLICK HERE to book your complimentary call.
And if you’re about to begin another round of Miraculoss, you’ll automatically receive the benefit of a thorough detox :-)