What Does Your Immune System Do?

Your immune system is designed to detect pathogens, foreign particles and abnormal cells, then mount a response against them. If your immune system is weak, your response will be poor, your symptoms greater and your recovery time longer.

When you encounter viruses your immune system develops natural immunity to future exposures of the same or similar pathogens. This natural immunity in many cases can be robust and lasting, for example in response to chicken pox, mumps or measles. 

Some viruses, like colds and flu mutate rapidly, partially escaping your learned immune response and re-infecting your body at a later date. This means you’ll need to mount an immune response to the new variants of seasonal viruses quite regularly (hence the seasonal cold). While this may be annoying and inconvenient, it’s preferable to have a minor cold each year than suffer through more severe bouts of illness due to the absence of immunity. 

Your innate (natural) immune system is your best protection, so it makes sense to strengthen it. 

Studies show that each time you eat foods that contain added sugar, your innate immune system down-regulates for up to 24 hours, leaving you more exposed to opportunistic pathogens, rouge cells and other contaminants. Avoiding sugar and including natural immune boosting foods and supplements are two of the best strategies for good health! 

Some foods like lemons, oranges, garlic, herbs, spices, onions, and berries are high in immune boosting nutrients, and you should include as many as possible in your diet. 

But there are times when supplements are needed especially when you are very busy, tired, stressed or recovering from illness. 

The supplements included in this collection are scientifically proven to help strengthen the immune system. If you feel overwhelmed by the many choices, we’d love to offer you personalised guidance as to which supplements could be right for you.

So, click here to book a complementary products check. We’ll help you choose the right supplements for your needs!